How to Pray (Part 3 of 9)

How to Pray_Part 3 of 9

…Your Kingdom come…


Matthew 6:9-10NASB

“Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father, who is in Heaven, Hallowed be Your name. ‘Your Kingdom come…

Matthew 3:2NASB

 John the Baptist said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Matthew 6:33NASB

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

As a result of sin entering this world, there are now two kingdoms warring against each other, the kingdom of darkness ruled by Satan and the Kingdom of light ruled by Christ. As you examine the world around you it may appear that the kingdom of darkness is winning, Christ’s Kingdom however, will ultimately win by a wide margin. God’s children desire the glorious return of God’s Kingdom on the earth and long for Christ to be supreme alone. In this portion of Christ’s model prayer, Christ shows us that above our own personal petitions we should first praise Him for His Holiness and we should pray for the advancement of His cause, putting His interests first. Specifically, we should pray for the day when our Savior-God, the Lord Jesus Christ, will set up His Kingdom on earth and reign in righteousness. The Kingdom that Jesus is referring to is the one where God is obeyed and loved. God’s Kingdom is present in Heaven. The angels and heavenly hosts are quick to obey God and are devoted to Him in love. His Kingdom is also here on this earth. It is in the hearts and minds of all those who are born again, in those who are saved; those who have been redeemed and are being sanctified by Christ Himself.

Practical Steps:

Brothers and Sisters in Christ let us be consumed with Christ’s words in Matthew 6:33 and to be diligent to, “Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness…”  We cannot serve both the darkness and the light. We cannot serve two masters. Let us be those who serve God and God alone. God is building His Kingdom and He is adding to the number of its citizen’s every day. Let us be those who are ready and willing to be used of God as He sees fit. To be used to help seek and save that which is lost, to help bring our future brothers and sisters to Christ for cleansing. Let us be those who pray daily for Christ’s Bride, the Church.