Evangelizing at work is oftentimes more challenging than other situations as it comes with the fear of losing your job. It can cause division between coworkers thus compromising the work place atmosphere. Many employers discourage such activities, but don’t be fooled; evangelizing at work is not impossible. As a born again follower of Christ you are called to be salt and light in this dark world. Salt, just like in everyday life is used to: season food, hinder the spread of rot, and create thirst. So Christ followers in like fashion add taste to human society by the way we live and do family, we also serve as a moral preservative, and make others long for the living water found only in Christ. Jesus also tells His followers that we are lights in a dark world. Those whose lives exhibit the traits of a true follower of Christ cannot be hidden. With all that said, it is possible to evangelize at work or wherever you go for that matter.
Below are several ways that you can share the Gospel message while at work:
1. Pass out / Leave Gospel Tracts
- To Coworkers
- On desks/seats
- Break Room
- On Stair Cases
- In Elevators
- Vending Machines
- On a Computer
- Cafeteria
- Tables and Benches
- On Parked Cars
- Bulletin Boards
- Anywhere and Everywhere…
Tips: Gospel Tracts are a great way to communicate the Gospel message to someone. Try to find ones that will grab the reader’s attention and keep it. Many workers are depressed and under stress. Try to find Gospel Tracts that speak to that reality. You can give them directly to coworkers or leave them in places where they can find them. In the break room, elevators, vending machines, tables or benches, or on parked cars. Be faithful and keep up the good work!
Our 2nd and 3rd ideas are a little more indirect, but the goal here would be to try to create a Christian presence in the company. Believe me, your coworkers will know that you are a Christ follower and God willing one day they will ask you for prayer or to just talk about the things of God and why you believe. Be Ready.
2. Play Christian Music or Sermons
- At Your Desk
- In the Car
- On the Jobsite
Tips: Try to Play Music or a Sermon. It helps the day go by and many employers are allowing their employees to listen to music while on the job. If you are allowed to do that, go for it. Don’t play it so loud that it distracts others, but have it at just the right volume that they can hear and be blessed. You can also play sermons that speak the Gospel message clearly. People are listening and watching you. Be in it for the long haul. This is an everyday type of outreach.
3. Decorate Your Desk
- Bible Verses
- Gospel Message
- Holy Bible
- Be intentional
Tips: If you work a desk job, most likely you can put up some decorations to make your space your own. Why not display some framed pictures with Bible verses or text explaining the Gospel. Just know that people see your desk when you are there and not there. Keep it clean and presentable. Try to redecorate every now and then. You can add new Bible verses or print the Gospel Message on a different color paper. The goal here is not only for them to read the things that you put on your desk, but to make them ask you questions about the Lord and Savior. Be bold and know that God will help you.
4. Start a Lunchtime Bible Study/ Prayer Group
- Go through a Book in the Bible
- Keep it Short
- Allow for Discussion
- Pray for the Company
- Pray for Other Employees
- Pray for Your Boss
- Be Consistent
Tips: Ask your boss if you can start a lunchtime Bible Study/ Prayer Group. Explain to your boss that you will make everyone who wants to come feel welcome and not pressured. Remember your boss has the unity of the employees on His/Her mind. Conflict in the company is detrimental to production. Ask your boss if you are allowed to post a flyer in the break room or even send out an email to invite others. You may be tempted to wait to ask until you have a few signups, but that day may never come. Don’t be discouraged or fearful; be bold you, never know how God will use you by initiating this.
5. Make Friends
- Build Lasting Relationships
- Pray for Them
- Serve Them
- Teach Them
Tips: Followers of Christ should be the best friends that anyone can have; friends that will be there for you when you need them most. Pray for your friends, serve them, and teach them. As you step out to get to know your fellow coworkers, never compromise your Christian testimony by participating in conversations or activities that are not God honoring. This may include: going to the bar after work, gossiping about the boss, or complaining about the company. When you do these things, it ruins your Christian testimony and may lay down obstacles for them to come to Christ, which is harmful and counterproductive.
6. Invite Coworkers to Church
- Get to Know Them First
- Build Trust
- Let Them Know What to Expect
Tips: Once you have gotten to know a coworker, invite them to your local church. Be sure to give them an idea of what to expect on their first visit. If you and they feel comfortable, exchange phone numbers and perhaps meet them at the door on their first visit. This may be the start of a lifelong relationship with Christ for them. If they say no thank you. Don’t treat it as a rejection and withdraw from the friendship. Just be patient and let your light shine even more.
7. Work as unto the Lord
- Don’t Cut Corners
- Don’t Gossip
- Don’t get in on the Dirty Jokes
- Don’t Complain
- Show up on time
- Work hard
- Be the best worker they have
- Be a Servant
Tips: Be the best worker that you can be. Don’t cut corners, don’t gossip or listen to gossip, don’t get in on the dirty jokes, show up on time, work hard, and be a true servant to anyone and everyone. Followers of Christ are givers and not takers. We give our time. We go the extra mile. We take the high road. Don’t grow weary in doing good. Your Father in Heaven is watching you and will reward you both now and in the life to come.
Remember that you didn’t get this job by accident; you were strategically placed there by God Himself. Don’t let the fear of man and the fear of losing your job silence you from doing your part to share the Gospel in your work place. Christ says that you are salt and light. Be who you are and don’t try to be someone you are not, to try and climb the ladder of success and be in the inner circles. Just like a city on a hill, they can see you and they are watching you. They want to see consistency, purity, and righteousness. They want to see Christ in you. You may be the only true follower of Christ there, but never forget that Christ is Omnipresent. That means He is everywhere present and watches you as well. This is both comforting and convicting. We here at Ambassadors 4 Truth are praying for you when you are at work that God will strengthen you and make you bold for His Glory. Remember, evangelizing at work is not a one stop shop or onetime thing. It is an ongoing effort. You are going to go in there day in and day out doing your absolute best to work hard and be the best employee that you can and you may only be there for one person. Never forget the importance of one person. Be there for that person. Wait for God’s timing, He knows best.
If you need low-cost and easy to pass out Gospel Tracts don’t hesitate to contact us. Also, if you need prayer or have a unique work environment where none of these ideas will work, please contact us and we will help you the best we can.