Attributes of God: Immutability

Immutability of God = God Never Changes:  Everything around us is in a state of [...]

Attributes of God: Omniscience

Omniscience of God = God is All Knowing: Our human minds are limited in understanding [...]

Attributes of God: Omnipotence

Omnipotence of God = God is All Powerful: We as humans are possessors of a [...]

Attributes of God: Omnipresence

Omnipresence of God = God is Everywhere Present During our most demanding days here on [...]

What is Grace?

What is Grace? God by His very nature is Gracious. He is a God of [...]

What is Adoption?

What is Adoption? According to the Easton’s Bible Dictionary (1897), the word Adoption is: The [...]

What is Justification?

What is Justification? According to the Easton’s Bible Dictionary (1897), the word Justification explains the [...]

What is Imputation?

What is Imputation? According to the Easton’s Bible Dictionary (1897), the word Imputation is used [...]

What is Redemption?

What is Redemption? The word Redemption in the Bible describes the act whereby we were [...]

What is Reconciliation?

What is Reconciliation? By the death of the Lord Jesus on the cross, God canceled [...]