Category Archives: Discipleship

Attributes of God: Immutability

Immutability of God = God Never Changes:  Everything around us is in a state of [...]

Attributes of God: Omniscience

Omniscience of God = God is All Knowing: Our human minds are limited in understanding [...]

Attributes of God: Omnipotence

Omnipotence of God = God is All Powerful: We as humans are possessors of a [...]

Attributes of God: Omnipresence

Omnipresence of God = God is Everywhere Present During our most demanding days here on [...]

Scriptural Proof of Christ’s Deity by His Equality with God

For the last several weeks we have been developing a strong argument for the Deity [...]

Scriptural Proof of Christ’s Deity by His Names

We have been taking a closer look into Christ’s Deity from Scripture. So far, we [...]

Scriptural Proof of Christ’s Deity by His Possession of God’s Attributes

Thus far we have seen from scripture how Jesus performed the works that only God [...]

Scriptural Proof of Christ’s Deity by His Receiving of Worship

This week we continue our look at the deity of Christ and how Christ received [...]

Scriptural Proof of Christ’s Deity by His Works

Among many things within Christianity, the Deity of Christ is often misunderstood or even denied [...]

Jesus said, “Come unto Me…” (Part 4 of 4)

“My yoke is easy, My burden is light” Scriptures: Matthew 11:28-30 “Come unto me, all [...]